Right after that we got our first substantial snow fall. Where I live, the snow plows come last, or so it seems, well after folks shovel out and head for work. So by the time the plow rolls through, the snow is already packed down and turned to ice (which remains until spring unless we get an unseasonable thaw) and the plow leaves the bottom layer of ice right where it is - on the road.
So all during the winter, that black sock remained under the ice and snow. Next time the road was visible, there was that sock, laying in the same semi-wadded position I had last seen it. Except now it was surrounded with sand (deposited by the plow trucks), small stones and dirt, along with some vegetation. I left it lay and my curiosity was pricked, wondering what would become of that black tube sock.
It has laid there now for 4 years in the hot summer sun and in the winter under ice. For about a year now it has looked like this:
Another reason why I love wool (and cotton).
It looks awful! Natural yarns wouldn't go like that.