First, we have a hatch on our back porch. The four beautiful robin eggs in the nest in our fake tree have turned into funny-looking fuzz balls. We can't quite tell what all of the body parts are, as you will see:
Mother robin sits on them quite a bit which has made capturing pictures tricky. We've had very cool nights and breezy days so I'm sure she feels compelled to be a blanket for her new cheepers. And her mate must be helping out. I know he's about - the other day I tried knitting in my porch swing and the little papa made such a commotion that there was no peace & quiet. It was very annoying. Reason number 2 why I tried to discourage nest building on our porch. But the new family will soon be learning to fly and I have a box reserved for the location. (see last post)
And now, to report on a ~drum roll~ FFO (finally finished object.) Back in March, I posted about, among other things, the Basic Norwegian Star hat that I had begun. Since that time, I had put it aside to work on warmer weather projects and finally dragged it back out in June to finish up. It just a couple of evenings to do. That makes me wonder why I didn't just finish the thing in the first place.
The last link above (Ravelry) tells the yarns I used, etc., but I will just say that if you do this pattern, take heed to the instructions regarding needle size. I went a bit bigger, thinking I knew best. I did not. I love the hat and it sits gently on my head, so as not to "smush" my hair, but I think it would be better if it were a bit smaller. So here's the beginnings and the finished hat.
I do love the 3 Row Latvian Braid. |
Happy knitting, Folks!